A new community park in the Bekaa
Subject: Tree planting and environmental educationLocation: Mekse, Bekaa Valley

The pond will provide habitat for amphibians and a source of water for birds
Thousands of people fleeing the conflicts in Syria have settled in the Bekaa Valley, many in one of the 730 informal settlements. Mekse is making considerable efforts to welcome the refugees, particularly in giving the Syrian children an education, and a new school has been built next to our project site. Yet with this rapid urban growth, green space – so important for human health and well-being – is becoming a rare thing.
Mekse Nature Park is being created on a three-hectare plot of land, made available by the Municipality of Mekse. Already, A Rocha Lebanon has planted 70% of the site with native trees and shrubs and is creating a pond, footpaths and a labyrinth, which will benefit both wildlife and visitors.
Evolution of Mekse from 2018 till 2023
Follow our field work in Mekse
1° Ten days in Mekse (September 2022)
2° Twenty days in Mekse (January 2023)
3° Twenty days in Mekse (May-June 2023)
7° October 2023 in Mekse
Tilling the land against the backdrop of Mount Sannine
The Damascus rose bushes planted
Mekse Nature Park
A short video showing the nature conservation work already completed at our Nature Park at Mekse in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon and also our future plans for the project. Made in June 2021 for the A Rocha International Forum Festival.
Project in partnership with
Mekse MunicipalityFoundation Chino Cienaga